Terms & Conditions

Please ensure you read our terms and conditions below. Whilst learning to drive with Ready To Go Driving School it is important to understand our terms and conditions for your own safety and for us to keep our business running smoothly. Whilst learning with us please keep up to date with our terms and conditions by checking this page or asking your instructor for any changes, we will also inform you where possible of any changes.
Reviewed & Updated 01/03/2024
Terms & Conditions.
All lessons need to be paid in advance.
Late payments or no payment will result in the instructor cancelling the lesson booked, if no payment has been received before the lesson starts the lesson will be cancelled and full payment for that lesson will be charged. If no payment is received, then the pupil will be removed from the instructors diary and will not be able to continue lessons. The reason for the instructor to charge for the lesson which had been cancelled is to cover the cost of time and fuel along with the loss of earnings due to the cancellation. For any reason that payments cannot be made on time we would appreciate for you to contact us in advance.
Cancellations must be notified at least 48 hours before lesson start time to avoid being charged for any lessons booked. Cancelling within 48 hours will be charged at the full lesson price. Please note: If a block booking payment has been started, we may take this from the hours remaining within the block.
Breakdowns - Our vehicles are fully serviced & covered in an event of a breakdown. In an event of a vehicle breakdown we cannot be held responsible but we will do our best to get you home if possible. If in the rare event our tuition vehicle mechanically fails including instrument panel warning lights and tyre damage we cannot be held responsible for any loss of test/test fee and the lesson duration will still be charged up until when the breakdown occurred.
Test Bookings - Whilst learning with us your practical driving test should be discussed with your driving instructor before booking, our driving instructors will give you the best advice from their experience to ensure you are ready and have enough time/lessons to prepare for the test. The pupil is responsible for their own driving test booking, we will give advice and prepare you for the test but cannot be held responsible for any cancellations or changes that are made regarding the test. The pupil is responsible for any changes to their test and ensuring they have given any relative information to their driving instructor where necessary, it is important to inform the instructor of any letters or emails given by the DVSA which affect the driving test or any other relevant information the pupil feels important to share. Failing to update the instructor with any changes that effect any lessons or driving tests booked in the diary will still be charged at normal rate, any changes should be given in good time (48 hr notice).
Practical Driving Tests - Our instructors will help you achieve your target and will give you all the advise necessary, the instructor with holds the right to refuse any pupil going to test that are not ready to attend. Our instructors would never stop anyone going to test if a pupil is ready, we need to ensure the safety of the pupil and others to the best of our knowledge and experience. Please note you must allow at least 3 clear working days if you wish to cancel a practical test to avoid losing your test fee.
Time management & pick up - We aim to provide a high level of service and to offer friendly, professional driving tuition along with outstanding results and superb time keeping. We always aim to keep to schedule, all lessons booked in the diary are in every case on time which we can prove from our outstanding feedback. It would be very rare for your driving instructor to be late for a lesson, if this was to ever happen we will try to contact you before the lesson start time. Please understand certain things are beyond our control for example: traffic Jams, tyre punctures, mechanical issues etc. Despite anything being possible we will always try to make contact if the unlikely thing happens. All pupils can expect the driving instructor to be waiting outside in a suitable safe place, we are unlikely to knock on doors and to keep contacting the pupil if a pupil doesn't show. The driving instructor will wait for approximately 15 mins from the lesson start time before driving away unless we are contacted by the pupil within this time. Any pupils who fail to show on any booked lesson will be charged the full lesson price.
Whilst learning to drive with Ready To Go Driving School our instructors are calm and patient and will show professionalism within their teaching. Instructors will not tolerant any behaviour that could jeopardise the safety of themselves and others, this includes speeding, undue care and attention, attitude towards driving, knowledge of alcohol or drugs that have been consumed etc. The driving instructor may not be held responsible for speeding tickets occurred, and will not be held responsible to any alcohol or drugs consumed. You MUST inform your instructor of any medication you have been proscribed and any information your doctor has given regarding driving. Our instructors will STOP any lessons continuing if you are not fit to drive. We also cannot be held responsible for any speeding tickets or motoring offences which had occurred whilst on a driving lessons or driving test but we will help avoid this from happening where possible as we aim to teach all pupils professionally, responsibly and safely.
In the unlikely event of any injuries we cannot be held responsible providing you have been given instruction on safely features of the vehicle such as: seat belt, handbrake, doors, seat adjustment etc. Your instructor will explain the safety features of the vehicle on your first lesson and will be checking and recapping throughout lessons.
We reserve the right to change our prices advertised or verbally agreed including all services/lessons for example individual/intensive/refresher courses at any time.
Individual Driving Lessons - On average a pupil has no more than two lessons per week, more than two lessons in a week is considered above average and will be charged at an intensive rate. The advantage of having more lessons and less gaps will enable the pupil to learn quicker and often can reduce the overall cost of learning to drive. This allows us to accommodate all pupils with enough lessons per week providing pupils pre-book in advance to ensure availability.
Block Bookings are for duration of a minimum of 1.5 hours for each lesson, this is highly recommended compared to an hour lesson as this enables the pupil to learn more and have time to practice on each lesson given. Block bookings are not considered an intensive course, so this limits the sessions to two lessons per week maximum to enable us to provide other pupils with availability within our diary. Please note block bookings are non-refundable and only apply to our normal working hours. We do offer block bookings for our normal working hours and we also offer a block for out of normal hours, please note that a block booking of hours can only be used for the time stated and cannot be mixed between normal hours and out of normal hours.
All payments including block booking and intensive courses need to be paid in full and in advance. Block booking and intensive courses are non-refundable, payments for any lessons that have been made will expire after one month from your previous lesson if no contact has been made, after one month you will lose any outstanding lessons which have been scheduled in the diary with the instructor and no refund will be given on any advance payment. Our driving instructors always aim to allocate enough time for each pupil at any current period during the one month from payment/previous lesson, for this reason we are unable to keep space available for pupils who fail to attend regular driving lessons unless they contact us to discuss soon after their previous lesson. Please note we offer no refund on outstanding lessons that have been paid for after one month from any payment if no contact has been received from the pupil, this is due to us keeping the diary open during this time period for the pupil to return to lessons, this would mean we would have turned away other pupils looking to learn during this time and as a business money would have been lost during this period of the pupil being absent without contact. As a business we feel one month is plenty of time to inform your instructor of any circumstance of absence and if no communication from the pupil has been made within this time, then any payments made will cover anytime/money lost from pupil absence. After one month with no contact from the pupil we will look to replace the space allocated within the diary to another pupil looking to learn to drive.
Gift Vouchers are valid for one year from the date of issue, we are not able to accept gift vouchers which have expired. Please note once you begin driving lessons all terms and conditions apply, if a pupil is absent for more than one month without contact then the pupil will be removed from the dairy and no refund will be given.
Free introduction lesson where advertised is offered to beginners only, this helps the pupil decide if learning to drive is right for them and that they are happy with the service we provide. In the event the pupil does not attend the free introduction lesson then the hourly prices will apply for any future driving tuition.
Traffic offences including speeding fines and penalty points - When learning to drive at any time on public roads the driver (pupil) is responsible for any traffic offences and fines, along with points which will be added to their provisional/full driving licence when an offence has been committed. Our driving instructors are not responsible for any traffic offences whilst the pupil is driving on a lesson or driving test unless the instructor was driving at the time of the offence.
In the politest way possible we are not a Taxi service, lessons are structured to help with your learning process and we are not here to be used as a Taxi service. Any requests from point of pick up to a location on drop off other than home or usual place will be refused but maybe considered if given advanced notice to the driving instructor.
Payments using the buy it now button, please ensure you have contacted us first before making any payment.
Payments by cheque, please confirm with your driving instructor when paying by cheque, your instructor will confirm details regarding cheque payments. If a cheque is returned by the bank, we will charge an admin fee of £15.
Any damage to the training vehicle whilst learning to drive will result in the driver/pupil being responsible for the cost of repair or replacement to the damage that they have caused, evidence of cost of repair will be presented as proof. Any damage that has occurred will need to be paid in full, please note further action will be taken if no payment is made. If and where possible photo/video evidence will be taken to provide any evidence that maybe required to prove any damage that has been caused to the vehicle. If a pupil requires to use the tuition vehicle for their driving test, then the pupil is responsible for any damage to the vehicle that they have caused and will be liable for any costs to either repair or replace any damage. When attending a driving test the pupil is expected to be test ready and your driving instructor will confirm this, please note we will not allow any pupil to attend a driving test unless they are ready due to the risks that are involved. We would like to add that any pupil that is test ready can still be involved in an accident or cause damage to the vehicle, this is a risk that we all take when driving a vehicle and a responsibility we all share when driving on the road.
Local Discount on driving lessons (where advertised) in Steyning/Shoreham - This offer only applies to any pupil living in Steyning with a postcode starting with BN44, and or any pupil who attends Steyning sixth form college who wishes to start and end the driving lesson in Steyning. Prove of address will be needed to receive discount. We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time (September 2019).
Our vehicles are serviced and maintained to ensure safety whilst learning to drive. Our instructors need to protect and take care of the vehicle at all times. All pupils will be made aware of any possible damage that they could cause whilst learning to drive, this is for safety whilst learning to drive along with avoiding unnecessary repair cost, for example: How to use the clutch correctly. Anyone who is not prepared to listen to our instructors and/or causes unnecessary damage to the vehicle will be charged for the full repair to the vehicle.
Block bookings and intensive courses payments are non-refundable. This is due to time which has been allocated within the instructor’s diary and would make it unlikely within the time frame to reschedule with other pupils, as a result we would lose money and potential pupils looking to learn.
Driving lessons out of our normal working hours are before 08:30am and after 18:30pm Monday to Friday and anytime during the weekend, any lessons that start at 18:30pm or after will be charged at our out of normal hours rate. Our normal hours resume at 08:30am so any lessons that have started before this time will be charged at the out of hours rate. Please view our website for up to date prices. Block bookings can only be used either within our normal working hours or within our out of hours as they are priced differently and cannot be crossed into normal/out of hours. Any lessons that cross into a different rate will be charged at the rate at the start time, for example 5:30pm (normal working hours) will take a 1.5 hour lesson 30 mins into out of hours, but will still be charged at normal rate providing this was agreed with the instructor from when the lesson was booked in. A lesson starting at 8am for a duration of 1.5 hours will be charged at the out of hours rate despite when the lesson finishes unless agreed otherwise by your instructor.
Intensive driving courses are considered three or more lessons per week. All intensive courses need to be booked in advance and paid in full before we confirm booking. Intensive courses are non-refundable due to allocating time within the instructors diary.
Attending/booking the driving practical test - All our instructors will help you prepare towards the practical driving test, and to help us to ensure you are ready to go please speak to your instructor before booking a practical test in good time. If a practical test is booked but not agreed by the instructor then unfortunately the instructor will withhold the right not to attend the test with you and will recommend the test to be postponed. If an agreement with the instructor has been made regarding the driving test then the instructor will prepare you towards your goal, failing to follow the instructors advice will result in the instructor advising you to postpone or cancel the test booked. The instructor does withhold the right to not attend a test if the pupil is not test ready, the instructor is not responsible for any loss of test fees if the pupil is unable to attend due to lack of preparation or following advice from the instructor. In some circumstances a pupil may have followed the advice from their instructor, and it had been agreed to book the practical test in advance to hopefully be test ready, but occasionally the practical test maybe postponed due to reasons beyond our control such as nerves or the pupils ability. We always aim to give our honest advice and to prepare each pupil towards their goal, and in most cases pupils do attend the test that we originally aimed towards. Since the pandemic (Covid-19) we have seen an increase of practical tests being booked without notifying the instructor in good time, we have also encountered many situations where the instructor has given advice but the advice has not been followed, and unfortunately has resulted in the test being postponed or cancelled. We would like to add we are a professional driving school with experienced qualified approved instructors, and we can ONLY allow pupils to attend a practical test providing they are to the test standard, failing to do so will jeopardise the safety of others, safety is our top priority. Please speak to your instructor when booking a practical test, and allow enough time to prepare to avoid any disappointment. Please note you must allow at least 3 clear working days if you wish to cancel a practical test to avoid losing your test fee.
COVID-19 - Our business and instructors will do all we can to help stop this virus from spreading by taking advise from the government and driving associations, we will use PPE and will ensure our vehicles are as clean as possible. We will be taking temperature checks from each pupil and asking every individual each lesson if they have felt unwell or have had COVID-19 symptoms, we will stop any lesson going ahead if we are made aware of any risk that can cause the virus to spread. Our business cannot be held responsible if a pupil wishes to learn with us during this pandemic and becomes unwell. Whilst we aim to reduce any risk of contracting COVID-19 it would be impossible for us to make any guarantee that we have a zero risk business. All our instructors will follow new procedures in tackling this pandemic and accept the reality of the risk in teaching the public, to help us avoid unnecessary risk we will ask all pupils to help us in dealing with this virus by wearing face masks, hand sanitiser etc and along with honesty with any information in regards to their recent health and if they currently feel unwell. Any pupils that wish to not continue learning during this pandemic are fully entitled to a full refund on any money owed, or if they wish can continue learning when they are ready to return in the future.